Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Freedom and Democracy for Britain
Britain is being forced into the EU Superstate against the will of British People. Why?
Richard Bennett and Michael de Semlyen write, in their article:
"Papal Rome and the European Union"
"French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer signed the agreement, The Treaty of Paris, as co-founders of the Franco-German Coal and Steel Confederation. Like their colleagues Jean Monnet and Paul Henri Spaak, they were both devout Roman Catholics who shared the vision of successive post-war Popes for a re-Catholicized and united Europe. Adenauer and Schuman, along with Alcide de Gasperi, all three “founding fathers”, are in the process of being made into “Saints” by the Vatican as a reward for founding the new Europe “on Roman Catholic principles”.
Britain has been a Protestant country, since Henry VIII founded the Church of England, and H.M. Queen Elizabeth II took a Coronation Oath as "Defender of the Faith"
Is no-one willing to defend Christianity in these islands any longer?
As author Adrian Hilton warned in his article in The Spectator,
“the issue of European religious union is one that has been concealed even deeper than the plans for political union, but the ratchet towards a Catholic Europe is just as real. The Pope’s recent demand that ‘God’ be featured in the emerging European constitution has been echoed by many leading Catholic politicians and bishops. While on the surface such a reference may offend only Europe’s atheist and humanist contingent, it must be observed that when the Vatican refers to God, she sees herself as God’s infallible vice-regent upon earth, the leading organ of divine expression; indeed, according to its publication Dominus Iesus [5 September 2000], as the only mediator in the salvation of God’s elect, insisting that all other Churches, including the Church of England, ‘are not Churches in the proper sense’.”
Why is the Church of England not speaking out against our loss of democratic and religious freedom?
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1)
Read on for "A New Beginning" in November -(right margin)
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This is important for people to know. Well written.
When does the church of england ever speak out about anything of real importance? Thinking: money as debt banking system, corporatism in all walks of life, corruption in government, ever widening inequality in uk and everywhere else... the list goes on. If Jesus was around today he would look upon the C of E with contmept.